Why do small dogs bark at bigger dogs? Things You Don’t Know

Small pets such as dogs and cats can be intimidated by the size of other animals. When a larger dog approaches, your smaller dog may bark to protect themselves and their human. The bark should be taken as a warning sign and should not be punished. The best thing you can do is intervene before it escalates into an aggressive situation and teach your pet not to fear bigger animals.

This fear could lead them to bark aggressively at the approaching animal; this reaction should not be punished but rather interrupted if necessary before it escalates into an aggressive situation where one might get hurt. Teaching these small pets to not fear the size of other animals is one way to help keep them safe and stop potential altercations before they happen.

Why do small dogs bark at bigger dogs?

Small dogs are often intimidated by other animals’ size and may bark as a warning sign. This fear can lead to aggressive behavior, which should not be punished.

So, why do small dogs bark at bigger dogs or try to attack the ones bigger in size? We can’t ask these tiny, fiery dogs questions and have them tell us what they’re thinking. In the following sections, we’ll look at a few possibilities.

Small dogs should never be punished for barking at a larger dog. The best way to prevent this is to intervene before it escalates into an aggressive situation. Teach your small pet not to fear other animals, especially those that are bigger in size.

Why do small dogs bark at bigger dogs

1.Behavior Problems

One possibility is that the small dog is barking out of aggression and has behavior problems. If this is the case, it’s vital to get the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist to address the issue. The last thing you want is a small dog that is aggressive not just to larger dogs but also to people and other animals.

2.Protective Behavior

Another reason for barking at larger dogs is because your pet might be trying to protect you. Also, smaller pets are more easily threatened by the size and stature of larger dogs and might feel inclined to warn them off. If this is the case, your best bet will be to teach your small pet that it’s not their job to protect you from everything that comes onto your property.

As we’ve seen, whether it’s genetics, poor socialization, or a case of “small dog syndrome,” the blame can be placed on anything for a small dog barking at a larger one. The important thing to remember is that small dogs that are not kept under control and have a propensity to start fights with bigger dogs are particularly at risk.

Keep your little dog safe if you have one. That means on walks (avoid retractable leashes) and at home in a securely locked yard where he can’t get out and harass the big dogs.

3.Fear of Strangers

Is the bark aimed at all larger dogs or just those that are unfamiliar? If it’s just strangers, your pet might be feeling scared and threatened by them. This is natural for dogs and can be addressed with proper socialization.

With enough exposure to different types of people and dogs, your pet will eventually learn that not every stranger is a threat. If it’s not, and the barking is aimed at all larger dogs, then your pet might not be very confident in itself. You’ll want to get your pet into some more training and socialization to build its confidence and break the cycle of anxiety-driven barking.

4.Breed Predisposition

There’s also a chance that your pet is trying to tell you that the larger dog comes from a different breed. Some dogs can be wary of certain species more than others.

One way to address this is by socializing your pet with various breeds and teaching it that not every dog is a threat. This is especially important if you have a breed of dog that is typically wary of other breeds.

No matter the cause, it’s important to remember that small dogs should not be punished for barking at larger ones. The best way to prevent this is to intervene before it escalates into an aggressive situation. Teach your small pet not to fear other animals, especially those that are bigger in size.

A small dog like a terrier or a toy dog breeds are especially aggressive towards larger dogs. If you have one of these small dogs, keep it on a leash when you are in public so that it cannot attack other dogs.

It’s also essential to avoid situations where your small dog would have to confront a larger dog. If you see a large dog coming your way, tell your small dog to sit and stay until the danger has passed. This will help to prevent any unwanted altercations.

5.May Be He Thinks He’s Bigger Than The Other Dog

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and as a result, some dogs might feel the need to assert their dominance over other dogs. Smaller dogs might think that they’re the biggest and baddest dog around and see a larger dog as a threat to their authority.

If this is the case, you’ll need to work on your pet’s confidence and teach it that there is no need to resort to aggression in order to maintain its place in the pack. With proper training and socialization, your small dog can learn that it doesn’t have to be the biggest one in the pack to feel confident and secure.

15 Of The Most Common Body Languages of Aggression Shown By Dogs

  • Direct eye contact
  • Growling
  • Pupils dilated
  • Hair on back and tail stands up
  • Lip curling
  • Snarl
  • Lowered body posture
  • Hackles raised
  • Direct stare
  • Licking lips
  • Turning head away
  • Crouching
  • Urinating or defecating indoors

What to do if your dog is barking at bigger dogs

You should never punish your dog for barking at a larger animal, no matter what size your dog is. This fear could lead to aggressive behavior, so the best thing to do is intervene before it escalates into a confrontational situation.

It’s essential to teach these pets not to fear the size of other animals, especially bigger ones. This will help keep them safe and stop potential altercations from happening. If your pet is barking at a larger animal, the best thing you can do is:

  • Interrupt them before it gets worse
  • Make sure they’re in a safe place where the larger animal isn’t
  • Don’t punish them for being scared
  • Teach them not to fear bigger animals.
  • Encourage them to interact with bigger animals positively.

Your small dog should stop barking at bigger dogs if you follow these tips. Teaching them not to fear other animals is one way to help keep them safe and prevent potential altercations from happening.

Teach your pet not to fear other animals

Teaching your pet not to fear other animals is one way to help keep them safe and stop potential altercations from happening. Small dogs can also be seen barking aggressively at other dogs. This is usually out of fear and insecurity, as they feel that they need to protect themselves from the other animal. If this is the case, it’s important to work on your pet’s confidence and teach it that there is no need to resort to aggression in order to maintain its place in the pack.

Creating an exercise routine

A regular exercise routine can help to reduce activities such as barking. It’s a good idea to exercise your pet at least once a day, and playing games is a great way to do this. Playing a game of fetch or tug can help your dog feel calmer and more secure, which will, in turn, lower the chances of it barking at another dog.

Teaching your dog to sit and stay before other animals come into view can also help. This will ensure that the animal has a positive association with larger animals. Keep your pet on a leash to ensure that you have complete control over the situation. This way, you can prevent any unwanted altercations from happening.

 How to calm a scared dog

There are a few things you can do to help calm a scared dog:

1.Make sure they have a safe place to hide, like a crate or under a bed.

2.Talk in a gentle voice and reassure them that they are safe.

3.Try not to make any sudden movements or loud noises.

4.Give them a toy or bone to chew on, which will help distract them from what’s making them scared.

5.If the dog is terrified, they might need to go to their safe place for a few days before returning to their normal living area.

6.If you want to give them a cuddle or rub, let them come to you on their own. Don’t go and get them because that could scare them even more.

7.You can give them a special toy or blanket that they can have only when they feel safe and calm, that way they know it’s something to be happy about.

8.If you came home and found your house destroyed by a scared dog, there are a few things you can do:

9.If they have broken something, put it in a separate area away from the dog. Then after a few days, if they haven’t touched it, move it back to where it originally was.

10.If they have chewed something that you don’t want them to chew on, try putting some lemon juice on the area so they won’t want to chew it.

11.If they have pooped or peed in your house, try using a cleaner with lemon so that the smell will repel them.

12.If you don’t know why they are scared or upset, you can try staying away from them for a few days until they calm down, and then slowly try to approach them again.

13.If necessary, you can also use a muzzle to keep them from biting.

It’s important not to punish a scared dog for barking or trying to protect themselves; instead, find ways to make them feel safe again.

Tips for Teaching Your Pet Tricks And Commands

Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a good reason. They’re loyal, loving, and make great companions. But even the best of friends can have their disagreements from time to time. And when two dogs meet for the first time, that first encounter can be a bit of a mystery.

To keep your pet safe, it’s important to teach them how to act around other dogs. This includes proper commands and how to behave when encountering other canines. Here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  • Be sure to reward your dog with a treat and lots of praise or positive reinforcement when they follow your commands.
  • Be patient and don’t get angry if they don’t learn right away
  • Start with basic commands, and once they’ve mastered those, move on to more difficult ones
  • Make sure you’re consistent with your commands and rewards. It may take a while for your pet to learn new tricks or commands.
  • Keep your commands short and simple.
  • Practice regularly; the more you practice, the better they will perform.
  • Always have your pet wear their collar, so you can easily grab them if needed.
  • Supervise playtime with other dogs, and if things get too rough, end the play session.
  • Have fun!

Should You Use a Bark Collar In This Situation?

When confronted with a much bigger dog than them, many small dogs will bark to try and scare off the larger animal. Bark collars are a popular way to stop this behavior, as they will emit an electric shock or loud noise when the dog barks. However, many people believe that bark collars are cruel and inhumane and should only be used as a last resort.

There are pros and cons to using bark collars, and it’s important to weigh them all before making a decision.

Some of the pros of using a bark collar are that they will keep your small dog safe and discourage them from barking at other dogs. They can also help train your pet to stop barking excessively or at inappropriate times.

A major con of using a bark collar is that many people believe they are inhumane. There are many ways to teach your dog how to behave when they see another dog, and bark collars are not the only option. Some other methods include using positive reinforcement, treats, and rewards. If you decide that a bark collar is not for you, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about other methods of training your pet.

In the end, it’s up to you whether or not to use a bark collar on your small dog. Just be sure to weigh all the pros and cons before deciding. And always remember that it’s important to be patient and to keep training sessions short and sweet.

Can Small Dogs & Big Dogs Live Together?

Many people love owning both a small dog and a big dog. They may think that it’s the best of both worlds – getting the benefits of a small dog’s personality and the benefits of a big dog’s size. However, many people are unsure if it’s safe to have both types of dogs in one household.

The answer to this question is yes, it is safe to have small dogs and big dogs live together. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind if you do choose to have both types of dogs in your home.

First, it’s important to make sure that both dogs are comfortable around each other. You can do this by gradually introducing them to each other. Start by having them in the same room, but with separate spaces. Then, have them come closer and closer to each other until they are comfortable being in the same area.

If you have a big dog and a small dog, it’s important to remember that the small dog may feel intimidated or scared around the big dog. You should always keep an eye on both dogs when they are together and make sure that the big dog is not bullying or intimidating the small dog.

If you can properly introduce your small dog and big dog and keep an eye on them when they are together, there should be no problems living in the same household. In fact, many people find that it’s actually quite beneficial to have both types of dogs. The small dog can serve as a loyal companion to the big dog, and the big dog can provide protection for the small dog.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a small dog and a big dog, go ahead! Just remember to take things slow, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional if needed. Both dogs will undoubtedly enjoy living in the same household!

6 Essential Steps to Follow When You Are Introducing Your Dog to Another Dog

When introducing your dog to another, there are a few basic things you should keep in mind. This will help make the introduction smooth and avoid fights between your furry friends. Here are some helpful tips to help you through the process:

1.Ask a friend with a dog to help you out. This is especially helpful if your dog is timid or aggressive around other dogs.

2.Make sure both dogs are on leashes and keep them close together.

3.Do not allow the dogs to sniff each other’s genitals. This can be seen as a dominance move and could lead to a fight.

4.Allow the dogs to explore each other’s bodies by sniffing from head to tail.

5.Reward your dog for good behavior with treats and praise.

6.If either dog shows signs of aggression, remove them from the situation and consult a professional trainer.

Introducing a new dog to your home can be a daunting task, but following these simple tips can make the process much smoother. By taking the time to properly introduce your dogs, you can help ensure that they will live in harmony together.


So did you had fun reading and discovered some new things? I hope so. There are many ways for behavior modification and training. As I always say, the earlier you start with, the better.

So, whether you’re thinking of getting a small dog or a big dog, it’s important to remember that both types of dogs can live together safely. However, you should never forget to take things slowly and never hesitate to talk to a professional if needed. With the proper steps, your home will be a happy and safe place for both of your furry friends!

If you have any questions or anything you would like to mention, feel free to post them in the comments below. And make sure to like and share.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.