When Is A Dog Old Enough For A Shock Collar?

You should use a dog shock collar when the dog is of age or exhibit some unacceptable behaviour that it has not yet learned to avoid. And the question when is a dog old enough for a shock collar came across my mind also when I have my first pet which an adoarable German shepherd. I did a deep research and came to know that, It is essential to know how a dog’s sensory system works before using any kind of correction. The best time to use one is when the dog is 12-18 months old.

After you have tried other methods such as positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement or reward-based training, which may not work for your pet.

Some dogs are more sensitive than others, so if the dog is very active or high strung, it may be best to try a less harsh method like the no bark collar before going all out.

If used correctly, a dog shock collar is a great training tool. However, if not used correctly, then it would be considered abuse. As always, try other methods such as positive reinforcement or reward-based training before using any punishment-based approach.

Factors to consider before starting the e-collar training For your dog

1. Age

The age of the dog must be taken into consideration when training your dog. Some dogs are fitted with an e-collar from a very young age and negatively associated with it. If the dog does not have a negative association, they will just let out plenty of barks to get them removed.

You can try negative reinforcement such as removing the collar for a few days but make sure that you start slow and build up to a higher standard.

If the dog is older than one year of age, it would be wise to try positive reinforcement first. Try replacing the collar with some lovely treats so that it may have an incentive to behave; otherwise, you will be in for a rude shock!

when is a dog old enough for a shock collar

2. Previous experience

This is very important for any dog owner. Most dogs have been trained by other dog owners, and they tend to think that all dogs are like them, thus responding immediately when the e-collar is used.

Some dogs may have had a bad experience of someone using an e-collar on them, and now they are afraid of it, so you must make sure that your dog has never been shocked before. Try a quick positive reinforcement method like clicker training to desensitize the dog first.

3. Dog’s temperament

The temperament of the dog is also of great importance. If your dog is very confident and outgoing, he will most likely learn more quickly than a shy dog might. The former tend to be easier to work with when it comes to training because they are used to being handled and having things done for them.

Most experts feel that if you do not have a proper understanding of your dog’s temperament, then you should not use an e-collar on them. Some dogs are just not suited for them, so you will have to try other methods first before resorting to punishment techniques like shock collar training.

Positive reinforcement works best, but if it does not work for your pet, you can use other tactics to correct the behaviour. You might have to consult with a professional dog trainer that uses an e-collar.

Factors such as the time of day are also important. Make sure that you choose a time when there will be no distractions and fewer people around, so it is easier to communicate with the dog.

4. How long you want to train the dog

This is a very important factor as it does not matter how good an e-collar may be if you are not training the correct behaviour then it might be of no use at all. It will not be too effective for you to leave it on for a few minutes when you are only able to handle a few minutes of positive reinforcement and reward based training before the dog gets used to the collar.

The best advice that I can give is that when in doubt, keep working with your dog until he or she understands what you want them to do and never forget reward based training as this always works much better than punishment based methods.

5. How to Train Your Dog With a Shock Collar

If you have decided to use an e-collar, then you will need to make sure that the dog does not fear it.

If the dog is afraid of it, then he may become aggressive rather than non aggressive. Start the use of training devices with low levels of stimulation and build up, so the dog does not associate these electric shocks with anything he is already fearful of.

It is best to use positive reinforcement instead of punishment-based approaches if you want a better response from your dog.

Do not use these shock collar trainers for more than 3-5 minutes at a time; otherwise, you will only be pushing the dog’s buttons. It is better to use it for 5-10 minutes at a time because this can be done using low levels of stimulation, but you must be prepared to stop and not apply the collar again until it has had enough time to cool down after the first shock.

Make sure that you do not change levels constantly, or else your dog will become confused and become overstimulated. It is best to keep other distractions out of the house or area such as television, children, etc., because this may make them more aggressive.

Be patient and work with the dog until they can understand what you want them to do.

In addition, you should make sure that there is someone around the house to help you with positive reinforcement training so that you will not have to be doing it all on your own. This will help make sure that they are only being trained in one situation and not multiple ones at once.

when is a dog old enough for a shock collar

6. Adjusting To The Shock Collar For The Best Results

If you want to prevent your dog from showing aggression towards other dogs, they mustn’t become too stressed out by the e-collar.

This will mean that you have to make sure that they are not getting too many shocks during training. You cannot just put the collar on and let them get away with any behavior because this will only teach your dog to do worse things.

It is best to make sure that you can control the number of times your dog is receiving the shocks. Ideally, you should only give them a shock if they misbehave, but it is equally important that they do not become desensitized to it. As a result, your dog won’t do anything naughty whenever he feels like it.

How to Introduce Shock Collar to a Dog

When you introduce the collar to your dog, it is best to take it off when you get home, so they do not associate the training with anything else.

Check that the collar is switched off before putting it on your dog. It may be a good idea to leave it on for a few hours at first to make sure that your dog can get used to it.

After that, try switching the collar on and leave your dog alone in his area for 3-5 minutes so he can get used to any sound and feel of the collar.

After this time, take them out of their area and see how they respond. If your pup approaches you alone for a while, don’t interact with him. They will eventually get comfortable.

You can start introducing your furry friend to the collar by simply touching it to his skin for a few seconds before you put it on. Reward your dog when he does not react and then give him a treat. You will have to repeat this process until he is comfortable wearing the collar.

Use leather straps and make sure that they are not too tight to be comfortable for the dog to wear.

You should also make sure that your pet does not wear the collar for longer than a few hours at a time. Some dogs need to be trained for several months before they can truly control their  aggressive behavior without the collar, but it all depends on your dog.

when is a dog old enough for a shock collar

If your dog is going to wear the collar, you have to show him that it is something good and not something negative. You could walk your dog every time your dog wears his collar during training so that he becomes accustomed to wearing one. This will help make sure that he does not feel pressured while wearing it and instead starts associating it with positive things like being walked.

The collar should be worn every day, even if you are only on your way to the shops or a short walk. You have to make sure that your dog does not get used to not wearing his collar during this time; otherwise, he may not feel like training when he is wearing it.

When you are taking the collar off, always reward your dog before removing it so that he associates removing the collar with a good thing. If they associate the removal of the collar with something bad, they will find it very difficult when reintroduced to wearing it again.

Dog Training Secrets

Dog training involves repetition.

If you want your dog to behave itself, you have to do it every single day over and over again. Ensure that you take the collar off after a few days and reward them or even a special treat so that they are getting accustomed to the idea of the collar being removed.

Continue to wear the collar for a few days before removing it entirely again so that your dog can learn how to respond without the collar. Once they are used to this, you can start using a higher level of stimulation to respond well when they need to be trained.

Positive Reinforcement Training Methods

Positive reinforcement training is a very effective way of training your dog. This will involve using positive and negative reinforcement with your dog to make sure that they understand what you want them to do.

When you are using negative reinforcement, you have to make sure that you provide negative feedback whenever your dog does something wrong so that they get the message and act accordingly. For example, if they pull on the leash when they walk, then give them a small swat on the backside or scold them for doing so.

By doing this, they will be more likely to refrain from repeating such negative behavior.

When using positive reinforcement, make sure that you only reward your dog when they do things correctly and not when they are doing something wrong. It is also essential to put the collar on the right parts of their body so that they know what to focus on.

As a pet parent you have to make sure that you pay attention to other signs, such as wanting attention or riding with you after you go for a walk, to prevent unwanted behavior later in life.

Session length

The  training session length plays an important role when is a dog old enough for a shock collar. It is vital that you only spend around 15 minutes of training time your dog during each session in order to prevent your pet from getting bored or tired. In this manner, you will ensure that they will not tune you out while trying to train them and start thinking about other things.

Whether it is positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement, the results will come with time if you are consistent in your training methods. The longer you wait to start practicing these methods, the worse it will be for your dog in the long run.


Praise is an excellent way of rewarding your dog for doing something right. It is essential to be positive and make sure that you praise clearly and consistently when they do something right.

The rewarding method

You can reward your dogs by giving them a treat or simply the use of it. It is important to reward at the appropriate time so that they aren’t trained to expect treats for every good action.

The best method of doing this is to give them a treat as soon as they can hear you shouting their name. Eventually, they will learn to be rewarded when they hear their name instead of only when they respond to it.

You have to make sure that you use easy to hear and short names so your dog can remember. If you keep on calling them the same thing repeatedly, they will eventually get used to responding to it without even thinking about anything else.

when is a dog old enough for a shock collar

Hand Signals

You can use hand signals with your pups to ensure that they do not rely on verbal commands. These will give you more control over the situation and help you get more out of your dog.

The best way to start teaching your dog hand signals is by starting with the ones they can easily understand, such as sit and stay. Make sure that you are using one sign to mean one command, or else they will get confused.

You must stick to the same hand signals and do not give them a different one whenever they get confused. You should also only use one command at a time and do not try to teach them too many at once because this will confuse them, and they will ignore the signals.

Voice Signals

Additionally, dogs can learn to follow voice signals. These are the best types of signals to use to get the response you want when you call your dog. Either use a clicker or a whistle that you use as a signal so that they know when they have done something correctly.

First, give them a signal, and then give them the command, so they understand what you want from them. This will make it easier for your furry friend to remember and act accordingly.

You should only use this type of signal when you are in the house because these can sometimes get confused with other noises such as the television or radio.

Frequently Asked Questions about when is a dog old enough for a shock collar

Q1. Is a dog shock collar more dangerous on a puppy?

It is one of the most frequently asked questions. This depends on what is causing the barking. If it is due to something off-putting or something that doesn’t make sense, then yes, training with shock collars will have a more severe effect on a puppy.

However, if it is barking at something that bothers them and their sensitive hearing, they will be more responsive with punishment.

Knowing these things is to use positive reinforcement first and try not to use any kind of punishment-based training as this can create chaos in your household.

Q2. Is it possible for a dog shock collar to harm your pet?

Yes. The chances of this occurring are rare, but it does happen. It is a matter of how the dog has been trained previously and how much training they have had.

Dog shock collars should be used with caution, whether used on a puppy or an adult dog. Their hearing is very sensitive, and when the collar is on, sounds can irritate them. It can cause nausea, vomiting, tremors, or seizures, especially if done incorrectly.

In addition, it is important to note that while electronic collars are not meant to cause any long-term damage, they do come with an important safety feature known as a “resettable circuit.” This means that if there is excessive electrical leakage in the circuit of the shock collar, then it will automatically reset itself and stop working until the leak has been fixed.

It is very rare for these rechargeable collars to cause any severe or noticeable side effects, which can be because most of these electric collars have circuits that only send out around 80 milliamps. However, if you have a particularly small or sensitive dog, it may be a good idea to use something lower than 80 milliamps. Anything below 100 milliamps is usually considered harmless and safe for most dogs.

If you are afraid of the potential side effects from your dog’s remote training collars, then it is recommended that you start off with the lowest setting or go with something that is guaranteed to use a low-impedance circuit for the safety of your dog.

Q3. Is it ok to use a shock collar on a senior dog or one with health problems?

This depends on the health problems they have and their severity. If they have a heart condition or a respiratory problem, this may not be the best option. However, if they are older but healthy, you can try using one if you have been unsuccessful with other training or reward-based methods.

If using a shock collar, it is important to make sure it is not on all the time. If they are used in this way, it can cause damage to their hearing and, in some cases, madness. Never use one that is on 24/7, as this will damage their ability to hear correctly.

Q4. What size dog shock collar do I need to get, and what pet size should it be used for?

This depends on the size of your dog. If you are looking at purchasing a puppy’s shock collar, you will need to consider this. If you are getting one for a larger dog, you will need to make sure you get the correct size to fit their neck properly.

One of the first things you need to look at is the circumference of their neck. If your dog is an average-sized dog, measure around their neck in inches and add a couple to that measurement. This is likely the collar size that they are going to need. If they are large or very active, consider getting a collar with a few notches up higher than they usually use.

You might also want to consider what stimulation level you would want on your collar if using one with additional shock settings.

Q5. What is the difference between a dog shock collar and a dog deterrent collar?

A dog deterrent collar will not shock them whenever they go off the collar. It will only deliver the electric shock if they are on your property or around people you don’t want them to come near.

A dog shock collar is used when your dog is off-leash, in an unwanted place, or has shown other unacceptable behavior that they have not yet learned to avoid.

Q6. What are the different kinds of dog shock collars?

There are a few different kinds of shock collars that you need to know about. The first one is the static shock collar. This uses an electric current similar to what they would get if they got shocked by a fence. It is also known as a bark collar or e-collar.

This type of collar should not be used when your dog has any health issues or if they are elderly and frail because of their heart condition or respiratory problems.

There is also a remote dog training shock collar, which has a remote control device that allows you to remotely activate it if you need to give your dog a quick little zap for good measure.

This is commonly used in areas where dogs are allowed to roam freely, and other dangerous animals are running around.

Q7. How many levels of shock do dog shock collars have?

There are three different levels of shock on the majority of these types. These will be used in various situations according to your dog’s undesired behavior.

1 – The lowest level is a one-time shock, which can’t be recurred at all, and is generally reserved for failure to come when called or when your dog runs away from you.

2 – The second level is the “sigh “level, where the collar sends a series of shocks rapidly and repeatedly. This is meant for “pausing “your dog when it makes a mistake before letting it go on its way after correcting it.

3 – The `third level “is the “beep “level. It will give off a series of beeps, which can be used as an attention grabber and also as a way to startle or get your dog’s attention back, enabling you to instruct it on what behavior to avoid in the future.

Q8. What is the difference between the bark and sound levels of a shock collar?

The difference between the bark and sound levels is that while the bark level will cause your dog to make a specific noise, such as sighing, yelling, or whining, by itself, once it has been given signal number 1 or 2 above.

When you use the sound levels of your shock collar, the noise that your dog makes will be accompanied by a zap.

Most people use the bark levels as a deterrent and the sound levels as an alternative way to get their dog’s attention. The sound level can help you when you don’t want to only use electric shock, such as when your dog is chasing birds or rabbits in parks. For this purpose, it can be handy.

Q9. What are some good reasons for using a dog shock collar?

There are many good reasons for using a shock collar, especially when training or correcting behavior issues in dogs that you don’t want them to have in the future. Here are a few of the top reasons why people like using them.

1. It can be used to train your dog in places where you don’t want to use a leash all the time This is especially beneficial when teaching your dog how to walk on a loose leash in crowded areas, around other dogs, or even on other animals. There is no need to pull back on the leash – simply apply stimulus if they get too close to another animal or human that you don’t want them near.

2. You can correct bad behavior such as excessive barking, running away when let loose from their crate, or even when you are outside in public. You can even use it to keep them from approaching other animals or people that you don’t want them to be near.

3 . They are a lot more humane than some of the other training tools that exist out there today. When used correctly and at the right moment, they can really help you get the most out of your dog and help you correct bad or unsafe behavior before it even starts.

4. They are very safe for dogs with health problems or elderly dogs because they are a non-abrasive method for getting your point across as far as what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to their behavior around you or others.

Q10. Do dog shock collars work?

There is no question about it – yet, they do work, and the reason for that is because they are very effective and will correct your dog’s bad behavior quickly and effectively. Dogs can start with minor issues such as barking or running away from you and then turn into much larger ones such as aggression towards other dogs or even humans.

This can lead to them getting frustrated, worried, and afraid of being corrected when they are not doing anything wrong.

Q11. Is it ok to use a shock collar?

Not only is it OK to use a shock collar, but it can be a vital tool in any trainer’s arsenal. In fact, many people don’t know that you can correct your dog in such a way, and they actually make up a great deal of the dog population that exists today.

These aversive tools can work as an excellent training method for small and large dogs alike, and they have been used for as long as training methods have existed.

They are becoming increasingly popular in today’s dog training world, and many people are finding out that they can be a great help to them.

Q12. How much does a shock collar costs?

The price of any shock collar trainers varies based on the quality, brand name, and where you are buying it from. It should generally start at about $30 if you are purchasing it as an inexpensive option and can go up into the hundreds for a top-of-the-line one that professionals more highly recommend.

It will also depend on whether you are looking for something with rechargeable batteries or using ones that you have to replace time and time again. Also, ask what kind of warranty they offer in case they break down while in operation.

Q13. How do I know if my dog needs a shock collar?

The good news is that you don’t always have to use one – especially if your dog is on a leash and has already learned how to walk alongside you. In many cases, it can be enough for them to follow the lead of other dogs or maybe even humans around them as far as walking calmly next to you.

However, there are many situations that you may encounter in which you do want to use it. If your dog is a guard dog, then you will want to use this training tool as well as others that have been listed below.

In many cases, if your dog is prone to getting overly excited or anxious in crowds of people or even other dogs, then you might consider using E collar training on them to teach them something about the situation and their behavior.

If you have an elderly dog that is having difficulty moving along at the same pace as you, then it may be worth using one to help give them a gentle reminder while they can still get around on their own.

These are just a few situations in which a shock collar can work as a training tool and not necessarily as punishment, which is what it is for so many people.


I have talked about so many things in this article that you may be a little overwhelmed by it all and by now have a clear idea about when is a dog old enough for E collar training. The good news is that once you have your training strategy in place, it will not be too hard to follow it and see what kind of results you can get with your dog.

All you need to do is put a little time and energy into figuring out what works best for your dog and then design an appropriate training plan for them. The trick is to keep finding new ways to make things interesting for them while maintaining the authority you want regularly. It’s really not all that hard once you know how to do it right.

So, do you use shock collars? If you do, what is your opinion towards them? Do they work well for you and your dogs? Would you ever consider giving them a try? If so, what concerns or questions would you need to address before doing so? Do let me know in the comments section below.