What is the Difference Between a Shock Collar and an E-Collar | Guide 2023

Shock collars and e-collars are two different types of dog training tools. What makes them different? What is the difference between a shock collar and an e-collar? This blog post will cover everything about these two similar but very different pieces of equipment, including how they work, their pros and cons, what they’re used for, and all other aspects you need to know about both collars, so keep reading!

What is the Difference Between a Shock Collar and an E-Collar

The E-collar (also called electronic collars) generates high-pitched noises to irritate pets and may be used for reinforcement in the shock collar. On the other hand, it is a little different.

This device emits an electric pulse that stimulates your dog’s neck area using electrodes and a special receiver. The shock collar sends a mild stimulus to your dog when he barks, and the electrodes get activated every time you want him to stop barking.

How They Work

Shock collars

Electric collars are often used as a training tool to teach dogs how they should act. A static shock collar has been around for longer than an e-collar, but both types function in much the same way: sending electric signals that affect their undesired behavior when activated by either human contact or the sound of a tone.

In many ways, the shock collar is a more advanced training tool than traditional collars. This type of device sends an electric signal through your dog’s leash and into their neck when you press the trigger button on the remote control; this causes them discomfort but doesn’t hurt or harm them in any way!

Shock collar use has been controversial, and it is advised that you use this rule for short periods or in a low setting. If your dog is barking excessively, you can try to use this device.


The E-collar or electronic collars are more humane than the shock collar because it emits high-pitched noises to irritate pets. This deters them from barking and also does not cause any pain or discomfort.

You can attach an e-collar around your pet’s neck, and the receiver will be held in your hand. The receiver has a button that you can use to activate the noise at any given moment.

The basic working of both the devices is the same, but the electric collar emits high-pitched noises to irritate pets. Along with this, you can also use tone, ranging from softspoken human voices for when your dog needs comfort or an encouraging word in between barks.

It provides different options than just shocking them, which makes them more desirable among people who want to take care of their pet while still getting results.

What is the Difference Between a Shock Collar and an E-Collar

What are their Pros and Cons?

Even though both these devices provide the same function- to stop your dog barking, there are still some distinct differences between the two.

Advantages of shock collars

1.Shock collars are the most humane way to train your dog

2.Shock collars can save you money on vet bills

3.Stop your dog’s barking with a shock collar

4.The shock collar can help you train your dog to stop aggressive behavior.

5.If you want to train your dog for hunting, a shock collar is the best option.

Disadvantages of Shock Collars:

1.Your dog may get over-corrected

2.Your dog may become afraid of you or fear going outside

3.You cannot use electric training collars on an aggressive dog to stop the aggression

4.There’s no way to know how much shock your dog is receiving from one collar to another with a very large range of levels

5.Dogs can still run away with a shock collar

Benefits of using an e-collar training over a shock collar or bark collar

One of the great things about using an e-collar is that it runs off battery life quiet often so you won’t need to worry about buying new batteries every month. Because it’s wireless, you’ll be able to train your dog remotely.

1.E-collars are virtually indestructible and can even be used in water.

2.Another perk of using e-collars is that they come in a variety of styles and colors to suit your style, which means you’ll never have to worry about taking it off when washing your hands or when you’re at home.

3.One of the best things about using electronic dog collar training is that it will keep your dog from barking or running away when they’re out and about, which means you won’t have to worry about them getting lost or stolen by a stranger.

4.They’re also great for teaching your dog general obedience and basic commands such as sit and stay, so you don’t need any other training tools when starting with this type of collar.

5.Using an e-collar can also help train specific activities such as hunting or military and police service dogs.

6.The modern e-collars are a great option for dogs that don’t like the feeling of being shocked.

7.You can rest easy knowing your dog won’t be given any painful shocks either because these devices lack both electric paddles as well as metal contacts on their surface area, so there’s absolutely no chance of getting zapped by accident.

8.It can be used for any purpose – from hunting to basic obedience training.

9.No muzzle is required, so your dog won’t suffer a physical or mental shock if attacked by another animal.

Disadvantages of E-Collar:

1.Training can take significantly longer than with a shock collar

2.Maybe less reliable as there is no feedback for your dog to understand what he is doing wrong

3. It is not as effective on highly distracted dogs

4.You must invest in training remotely, or there will be no way to control the levels of stimulation

5.Not all dogs are good candidates for e-collar use.

6.It’s difficult or nearly impossible to teach some dogs with an electronic gadget since they are obstinate.

7.This type of e-collar beeps before providing any electronic stimulation, so it’s safe to use around other animals.

Who Should Use Them and Who Shouldn’t?

1.If your dog is extremely stubborn and will not respond to a simple command, then it might be time you consider using an e-collar.

2.It trains stubborn dogs, such as Labs and Pitbulls, who will not listen when you call their name or stop jumping on guests.

3.Electric training collars can be an excellent option for aggressive breeds, which are often hard to manage because the strength is so much more than humans’. Since it emits an electric shock, the dog won’t have a chance to attack anyone.

4.If you are looking for something more humane and less expensive than an e-collar, then that’s when  bark control collars comes into play, as it offers all of those same functions without inflicting pain on your pet.

5.It is also ideal if you live in an apartment or in close proximity to neighbors since it emits a burst of citronella when your dog barks.

6.The e-collar is better for training than correcting negative behaviors because the shock can be much more effective in teaching your dog what to do instead of just providing negative punishment stimulus every time something happens that you don’t like.

7.An e-collar used in this way is not only the humane thing to do, but it can also save you quite a bit of cash when it comes to your dog’s vet bills.

How to Use Shock Collar to Train, a Dog?

For stubborn and unruly dogs, shock collars are a good choice. They use an electric shock emitted on the neck or the head for about 12 seconds. The dog will feel the pain and will obey commands without question.

The best time to use a shock collar is when you’re teaching your dog not to bark, how to sit or stay, or when they run away easily.

The collar will emit small beeps if the dog doesn’t respond, so they know to stop their unwanted behavior. If they still don’t respond, it’ll increase the intensity until they do what you ask them to do.

While this method is hurtful for some dogs, it’s also effective at teaching your dog what to do and what not to do. Shock collars can be an excellent tool for training, but it’s also essential that you know when and how often you should use them, so your dog doesn’t become afraid of receiving instruction from their owner in general.

If they do not respond immediately enough after being shocked once or twice, you should stop using the remote training collar on them.

The biggest drawback to shock collars is that they do hurt your dog. You can’t use it more than once or twice a day because of this, which means you have to be careful about when and how often you’re using them on your pup.

This method also requires a lot of patience from the owner and their dog, so they don’t get too used to the collar. Its always best if your arent sure to get an advice from a professional dog trainer before you proceed further

How to Use E-Collar to Train, a Dog?

One way that you can use an e-collar training to train your dog is to do so when they are barking. When your pup starts barking, the collar will emit a beep, which will serve as a warning before they are given a small shock if they still bark after being warned.

The shock will increase in intensity until they stop barking. If this doesn’t work, the collar will give one more beep and then start shocking them to teach them not to bark again.

The beeps are less painful than shocks, so you’ll have to decide how much pain you want your dog to experience to stop their undesirable behaviors.

This training method is great for basic obedience training, such as teaching them not to bark or run away when they are being called. The collar is also great for hyperactive dogs that need to be more attentive when learning new things.

The biggest drawback to using an e-collar for training is that you have to be very careful about the level of shock or how long it continues.

It’s easy to increase the level of shock, which means it’s best to start on a lower setting and gradually move up as needed, so your pup doesn’t become afraid of you or not listen to your commands.

It’s best if the e-collar is used sparingly and only when needed instead of being used all the time. It’s also important to take breaks from training with these electronic training devices, so your pup doesn’t get too used to them and stop listening to you.

Both shock collars and e-collars are effective for training. Still, it’s important that owners understand the process of using them and when to use them for best results.

Six E-Collar Tips For Rapid Behavior Modification

Get the dog used to wearing the collar

Your dog should wear the collar even when not training and get used to how it feels on their skin surface and how its skin receptors behave. You can do this by letting your dog wear it while doing other things such as eating dinner or going for a walk.

Use the collar at home before using it in public to ensure your pup is familiar with how they work. You can even use them while doing other things in the house to get them used to wear and hearing it.

Increase the level of shock gradually

You want to start with a low level of shock and increase it only if your dog doesn’t respond to the first one. You can gradually move up until they stop whatever unwanted behavior you are trying to stop.

Don’t Let Your Dog See You Using the Remote

If your pup sees you using the remote, they might start to associate it with fun or playtime rather than learning. This will make training more difficult for you and them, so it’s best to keep the remote hidden when not using it.

Don’t Use It for Long Periods of Time

You should only use the e-collar for a short amount of time and then stop using it. If you use it too long, your pup might get used to the level of shock and not respond to it.

If you have a dog who is hyperactive or barks too much, an e-collar will be very effective in training them to stop their negative behaviors. It’s important that you understand how they work before using one, so you don’t hurt your pup or associate bad behavior with the collar.

It’s best to start training at home first , prefer positive reinforcement methods and get your dog used to wear them before you use them in public. It’s also a good idea to use them sparingly and only when needed as opposed to using them all the time, so your pup doesn’t become afraid of it.

Don’t use the e-collar more than twice a day.

You don’t want your dog to become afraid of the collar or too used to using it. Make sure to take breaks from training, so they don’t get burned out and become resistant to the e-collar.

Make Sure the E-Collar is Rechargeable

It’s annoying to have a collar models that needs new batteries every few days, and it also sends mixed signals if they go from getting a shock to nothing. Make sure the e-collar you purchase has a rechargeable battery or solar panels that will charge it.

What They’re Used For

These products are used for a lot of different purposes, depending on the type of the negative reinforcement e-collar.

For example, you can use an electronic training collar to train your dog from running off or barking too much by emitting short beeps as a warning before giving them a small shock when they don’t respond.

However, if they still don’t respond, it will increase in intensity until they finally get the message.

Hunting dogs can be trained to stay close and follow their owner’s commands by using an e-collar. It is also a good option for military and police service dogs who need to receive instruction while working and quickly learn what behavior is not allowed.

E-collars can also be used for basic obedience training, such as teaching your dog to sit or stay despite distractions around them and respond immediately to any command given by their owner without hesitation. If used with reward based training it will show the results earlier than expected.

An e-collar is a great tool that has been designed with the general public in mind, so anyone who loves owning dogs should at least consider it.

Why Many Peoples Prefer to Use E-Collars?

One of the many reasons people prefer to use e-collars is that it is effortless and quick to put on. The process of putting on a collar is usually just as easy as fitting your dog with a dog tag, which means you will not have to be at home for an extended period of time to do so.

This can be especially useful if you are going out for the day and don’t want your pup to wander off or get into too much trouble while you’re gone.

The process of using an e-collar is also pretty straightforward, which means you’ll be able to train your dog quickly and effectively without having to hire a professional.

E-collars are also an inexpensive alternative for training your dog, especially if you have problems with them not listening to your commands when you call their name.


Shock collars are not recommended for puppies because their nervous systems aren’t developed enough to understand what is happening for them try using positive reinforcement methods.

A prong collar will allow a pet parent to have more control over the dog, while an e-collar will allow you to teach the dog more advanced behaviors and overcome their behavioral issues.

E-collars also known as an electronic training collar are very safe and humane when it comes to training your pet. The electric impulse is not strong enough to cause pain or discomfort, and it does get their attention which is what you want them to do when training your pet.

In addition, e-collars on dogs are also great because they do not have to be in the same room as you are when they are being used. You can even be outside while your dog is inside if you want.

A shock collar and an electronic training collar both have the same purpose of training, but they do it in two different ways. I hope this article has helped you understand the difference between a shock collar and an E-collar in more depth. If you have any questions, comments or your own everyday life situations you came across, feel free to leave them in the comment section.


Is a stimulation collar a shock collar?

The two are similar, but they are different. A stimulation collar is a tool to get the dog’s attention and teach them to control their uncontrollable behavior.

In comparison, electronic shock collars are used to punish the dog for not obeying commands. They are both collars that use electric impulses, but they are not the same and do not work the same.

Are shock collars safe for training dogs?

While the initial thought of an electric shock collar might be frightening, they are safe for dogs. The electric impulse is not strong enough to cause pain, but it is a sensation that gets the dog’s attention.

Shock collars for dogs are a great alternative to high-pitched corrections because they do not hurt the dog. They are also more humane than using physical corrections, but they are still used with other forms of training methods to ensure that your dog is trained the best it can be.

Do e-collars cause pain?

No, an electronic collar does not hurt or cause pain. The electric impulse is not strong enough to cause pain, but it does get their attention.

What are shock collars?

A stimulation collar or a training collar uses electric impulses to get the dog’s attention. An electric shock collar or a remote training system is used to punish your pet for not obeying commands and comes with a remote that you can control the level of correction.

Are shock collars effective?

Shock or electronic training systems are very effective when it comes to training your dog. They are very humane and do not cause pain, but they will get the dog’s attention when used correctly.

Shock collars are a great alternative to high pitched corrections because they do not hurt the dog. They are also more humane than using physical corrections, but they are still used with other forms of training methods to ensure that your dog is trained the best it can be.

Are shock collars good for training puppies?

No, shock collars are not good for training puppies. They are only recommended to be used on dogs that are older than six months of age.

Puppies younger than six months of age are not recommended to use  electric shock collars because their nervous systems aren’t developed enough to understand the electrical nerve stimulation and so they won’t even know what is happening.

Which is better to train my dog with a prong collar or an e collar?

The best way to train your pooch like professional trainers do is with a combination of both. A prong or pinch collar will allow you to have more control over the dog, while an e-collar will enable you to teach the dog more advanced behaviors. Furthermore you can also take help of a spray collar if needed.

How do shock collars work?

When an e-collar is activated, it sends electronic impulses that get the dog’s attention. A stimulation collar uses electric impulses that are way too much low in intensity as compared to electric fences to get the dog’s attention.

A shock collar or remote training devices are used to punish your pet for not obeying verbal commands and comes with a remote that you can control the level of correction.

Are harnesses better than collars?

No, harnesses are not better than collars including aversive collars or a flat collar. Harnesses can be great for dogs who pull on their leash because they distribute the pressure evenly across the chest.

However, they are not recommended for dogs that already have neck or spine issues because it puts even more pressure on their necks and backs.

Is E-Collar Safe for Dogs, Especially Small Ones?

Yes, e-collars are safe for dogs. The electric impulse is not strong enough to cause pain, but it does get their attention. This is a good thing for smaller dogs who might not be as easy to control. In addition, e-collar models are also great because they do not have to be in the same room as you are when they are being used.

You can even be outside while your dog is inside if you want. But I will suggest to go for negative reinforcement when there is no other choice left other than aversive stimuli.

Are shock collars humane for training?

Yes, shock collars are humane for training. They do not hurt or cause pain to the dog, and they get their attention via sensory receptors which is what you want them to do when training your pet. 

They are also more humane than using physical corrections, but they are still used with other forms of training methods to ensure that your dog is trained the best it can be.

How long should I walk my dog each day?

You should walk your dog for about 30 minutes each day. However, if you have a smaller breed of dog, then it is fine to reduce that to about 20 minutes a day. Your dog will also benefit from playing fetch or going for a long jog, which can be included in the 30 minutes of exercise.

Are e-collars uncomfortable for dogs?

No, e-collars are not uncomfortable for dogs. The electronic stimulation is not strong enough like an electronic fence to cause pain or discomfort, and it does get their attention which is what you want it to do when training your pet.

Are e-collars safe for dogs to use?

Yes, e-collars are very safe and humane when it comes to training your pet. The electric impulse is not strong enough to cause pain or discomfort, and it does get their attention which is what you want them to do when training your pet.