How To Make My Pitbull Gain Weight And Muscle In 10 Steps

Are you worried about your Pit Bull being underweight? and you have this question banging your mind that how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle.

If so, I hope that this article will help you. As a Pitbull owner, you want your dog to have the best possible healthy body, but all dogs have different bone shapes and muscle structures.

With this guide, I’ll walk you through the 10 easy steps on how to make your Pitbull gain weight and help him achieve his dream physique.

So whether your goal is to take him to the beach this summer or make sure he has enough energy for long walks and playtimes. But First let’s first look at the reasons why a Pitbull is underweight.

How To Tell If Your Pitbull Is Underweight

Table of Contents

As a dog owner, a few signs show when your dog is over or underweight. However, some dogs can be healthy at different weights. The ideal weight for your Pitbull will depend on the shape and size of his body. Focus on how your dog feels, what his physical health, as well as mental state, is like. Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Your Pitbull is losing weight rapidly. When your Pit Bull is losing weight rapidly, it may suggest that he has a serious medical problem like cancer or glandular disease. He may also be malnourished.
  • You don’t see a difference in weight when you measure him. If you are not measuring your Pitbull, his weight can fluctuate based on the weather and how he is feeling.
  • Your dog is acting lethargic or cannot stand up by himself. If your Pitbull cannot stand up or stands with difficulty, make sure he has plenty of food and water. If he shows signs of weakness or does not respond well to verbal commands, such as “sit,” “down,” or “here,” then take him to the vet immediately for a check-up.
  • Your dog’s skin appears thin. This is a sign of malnutrition. In addition, you will notice that your Pitbull’s hair on the bottom of his legs also thins as he loses hair.
  • Your Pitbull’s coat becomes greasy or oily. This is a sign that he may be overweight. Still, it could also be an indication of a yeast or bacterial infection. It should be treated with medication and a proper diet by a veterinarian.
how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle

Common Reasons for A Pitpull Being Underweight

1. Inadequate or unsatisfactory food

You should check the ingredients in the dog food you are feeding your Pitbull. Is it too high in fat? Too much protein? You can also consult a veterinarian to ask these questions and determine what diet they recommend for your dog.

2. Unhealthy diet

Some dogs thrive on a specific diet, but if yours doesn’t, it could be one of the reasons for his weight loss.

Depending on how active he is, your vet may suggest a Well balanced diet or give you suggestions on adjusting his regular food according to his size , joint health and activity level.

3. Lack of exercise

In case you do not spend enough time with your dog, he may have trouble getting enough exercise.

Dogs need daily walks, and a dog that is confined to the house all day will likely get bored and restless. The result will be the loss of muscle mass.

4. Genetics

Some Pitbulls may have a naturally thin body frame, just like other breeds of dogs.

Some can be a bit chubby, but this is not something that is natural to the breed, and it is possible for these Pitbulls to lose weight if not monitored.

5. Physical illness

A physical or mental condition may result in a loss of appetite, leading to a loss of healthy muscle mass.

If your dog appears depressed and does not want to eat, it is important to contact your vet right away for a formal diagnosis and treatment plan.

6. Stress

Dogs may lose weight because they are stressed. If you adopted your American bully, you need to take him for a check-up with a vet to determine whether he has any underlying medical conditions that require treatment.

If his current living situation is stressful for him, consider relocating to another home where he will feel safer and happier.

7. Change in food or environment

When your dog is insecure or depressed, he may stop eating or lose his appetite when introduced to a new environment. Some dogs may also refuse to eat if he feels unhealthy.

10 Ways to Make Your Pitbull Gain Weight and Muscle

1. Be Aware of Your Pet’s Diet

The majority of your pet’s weight loss occurs during the first year of life, so you should get your pet’s vaccinations during the first ten weeks of his life stage.

It is important that you evaluate what kind of nutrition he is receiving through his food because dogs often lack fat and protein when given too much grain.

Remember that these are guidelines for other dogs, so your results may vary.

To determine what exactly your Pitbull is eating, you can call your local pet food store and ask them to recommend high-quality dog food for him.

2. Use Nutritional Supplements

If you suspect that your dog consumes too much food, the best way to make sure its body receives all of the nutrients it needs is through supplements.

There are many low-cost supplements on the market, so it’s vital that you find one with proper balance that works best for your dog!

For example, prescription-strength pitbull supplements provide nutritional support to help promote muscle development and weight loss.

The key is getting the right product for your Pitbull.

3. Target Exercising For Muscle Building and Shedding Weight

In order to build muscle, it is important to have lean muscle mass. This means that you must create a balance between burning excess fat and gaining muscle mass.

Finding out how to get those muscles to grow can be difficult without exercising, but luckily there are many exercises you can do with your Pitbull.

It’s helped many owners get their dogs into shape, and it’s a simple way to keep them in shape throughout their life.

The trick is to find the best kind of running that works for your dog while also keeping him healthy and maintaining his energy when you’re out running for long periods of time.

how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle

The Best Cardio Workouts To Help Your Pitbull Gain Weight

Jogging is a great way to burn excess fat and gain weight for your dog, it tends to become boring once in a while due to its long duration.

Swimming is another great way to get your dog into shape and help him lose weight at the same time.

Unlike other activities such as running, swimming does not require a lot of energy to do.

It’s an ideal regular exercise for dogs who suffer from arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other joint problems.

Hiking is an excellent alternative to running if you need to burn off some excess energy and keep your dog in shape.

Hiking gets your dog moving through different terrains, which helps his muscles gain bulk over time.

Rollerblading helps you and your Pitbull move at the same time, but it can also be dangerous.

Make sure that your American bully is strong enough to handle the activity before you try it out.

Cycling is another great way to exercise with your larger breeds, but make sure that you can keep up with him and that he’s getting enough usable energy from his food.

Riding on a bike will help you burn fat, but if your dog has excess fat from not exercising in the first place, this may not be an ideal choice for you.

Jumping the rope is an excellent cardio exercise since it involves jumping up and down, which helps the dog burn fat and build muscles.

Jumping up and down stairs can be difficult for some dogs, but if you have an American Pit bull Terrier who’s healthy enough to handle it, then it’s a great way to lose weight without putting too much stress on your dog.

Although, be careful with this activity because if your Pitbull doesn’t have the speed to do it, he could end up hurting himself.

4. Add some exercise to his daily routine

Try walking with him every day. When you start, take him for short walks of about 15 minutes and slowly increase the time he walks.

This is a great way to get him used to regular exercise, and it’s an excellent way to keep your Pitbull from gaining weight!

5. Strength Training

There are many ways that you can help your Pitbull gain weight, including strength training.

Strength training is something that every dog needs in his active lifestyle, whether he’s full-grown or not.

If your Pitbull is still growing, then you’ll want to start slowly by ensuring that he’s getting enough rest and proper food throughout the day.

Once you’ve done this, find a weight-training routine that helps you work out with your dog.

i) How to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle-Training Exercise Routine

Start slowly by simply doing a couple of reps for each exercise. The more reps you do, the more fat your dog will burn, as well as the more weight he’ll gain in general.

Ensure that you gradually increase the number of reps over time so that your dog doesn’t get burned out too quickly!

As for how often you should do these exercises depends on your dog’s age, breed, and individual needs.

Generally, it’s best to have your dog do these workouts every other day if you use them to help your dog gain weight. That way, they’ll still be able to play without getting fatigued!

ii) How To Choose The Best Weight-Training Exercises For Your Pitbull

If your dog doesn’t already know how to perform any of these exercises, then teach him! He’s going to want to get into shape if you do this correctly.

However, if he already knows how to do it, then simply pick what he likes best and skip the rest.

Make sure that you’re doing strength training with him that doesn’t put too much strain on his joints!

iii ) How To Teach Your Dog To Lift Weights: Tips And Tricks That Aren’t Too Hectic

The simplest way to help your Pitbull gain weight is through strength training.

You’ll need to make sure that he knows how to lift weights before you start, but you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get started once you get the hang of it.

Always keep a close eye on your dog when he’s using weights. Many dogs will try and push themselves too hard, which could lead to injury.

If this does happen, check with your vet about how to proceed from that point on. You never want your dog getting injured when he’s trying to get into shap.

No matter what kind of weight-training routine you choose for your Pitbull, continuously monitor him closely so that you know what he can handle and what he can’t!

Don’t be afraid to take him to the vet when you see something that’s not right with him. It’s always best to be safe than sorry.

Best Weight Training Exercises for Pitbulls

Here are some of the best weight-training exercises for Pitbulls that will help the query how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle.

1. Kettlebells

Strength training with kettlebells is a great way to build strength and boost your dog’s metabolism at the same time.

It can be challenging for Pitbulls to start with these exercises since they are pretty heavy, but once your dog gets the hang of it, he’ll find that this is a great way to expend some energy levels during workouts.

2. Barbells

Barbells are another excellent tool for strength training, but make sure that you start slow!

The weight used for these bars should be relatively light, and the movement should be slow at first until your dog gets used to them.

Barbells are another excellent tool for strength training, but make sure that you start slow.

The weight used for these bars should be relatively light, and the movement should be slow at first until your dog gets used to them.

3. Weight Plate Weights

Weight plate weights or using a weight vest is a great way to build strength and boost your dog’s metabolism at the same time.

These weights will help burn fat while also allowing your dog to gain weight. If you’re looking to add some extra muscle mass to your Pitbull, these weights are an excellent choice for him.

4. Hand Exercises

Hand exercises are great for Pitbulls to get in shape and lose weight.

Hands are extremely important for dogs because they help them grip items they need for motion, making them an excellent tool for strengthening.

If you’re looking to get into shape with your Pitbull, daily exercise can help him easily achieve your goals.


Dumbbells are another excellent way for your Pitbull to get in shape.

They’ll help him strengthen his muscles and boost his metabolism at the same time.

Like with barbells, you’ll want to start out by doing very light workouts and gradually increasing the amount of weight you’re using.

Don’t forget to be very careful when using dumbbells with your Pitbull.

If he puts too much pressure on his joints, then he could end up hurting himself! Make sure that your dog always gets a break after 15 minutes or so if you’re using dumbbells.

This will help ensure that he doesn’t get exhausted. For the best results, do these near the end of your dog’s routine so that he can burn off all of his fat when he’s finished.

6. Dumbbell Jumps

Dumbbell jumps are an excellent way for your Pitbull to stay in shape.

It can be difficult for him to start with these because they require a lot of energy and agility, but once he gets used to them, you’ll find that this is an excellent way to enhance his cardio and build up his muscles at the same time!

They are very similar to jumping rope, except you hold dumbbells instead of a jump rope.

7. Dumbbell Lunges

Another great workout for your Pitbull. Lunges are an excellent way for your dog to strengthen his muscles and burn off fat at the same time.

Like with dumbbell jumps, they also require a lot of energy and agility, so you’ll need to make sure that he’s used to them before he starts working out with these weights.

Weight sleds are also another alternative option for you if your pet isn’t comfortable with dumbbells.

8. Pushups With A Dumbbell

Pushups are another excellent way for your Pitbull to build up his strength while burning fat at the same time.

Just like with dumbbell jumps, you’ll need to make sure that you start slowly with these until your dog gets used to them.

You don’t want to have your Pitbull end up injuring himself when you’re trying to get him into shape!

9. Pullups

Pullups are also an excellent workout for your Pitbull. If he isn’t used to them, then start out slowly and gradually increase the amount of weight you use every week until he can handle it.

If you’re looking for a different way for him to build up his muscles, then pullups are an excellent choice!

10. Medicine Ball Exercises

Medicine balls are another great way to build strength and burn extra fat content.

They are lightweight, so they won’t put too much stress on your dog’s joints, but they can still be very effective.

Just like with other types of weight training exercises, you’ll want to start with them very slowly and gradually increase the amount of weight that you’re using over time.

Your Pitbull should always get a good amount of rest after working out with these weights.

The benefits that he gets from these weights will be negated if he doesn’t give his body enough time to recover!

how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle

6. Monitor his Blood Glucose Levels

A blood glucose test shows how well your dog can produce insulin and regulate blood sugar levels.

When an American Pit bull terrier is not producing enough insulin, he will most likely be overweight and have difficulty losing weight.

However, if he produces excessive amounts of insulin, he may lose weight and experience other complications such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

To monitor your dog’s glucose levels, ask your vet to do a simple blood test during his next check-up.

You can do this every few months to ensure that you are making progress in making your dog gain weight!

7. Make him a Savory Feeder

One way to ensure that your Pitbull still receives balanced nutrition he needs is to feed him hard food as a primary source.

Hard food is simply dog food that has been cooked with water and is dehydrated, so it’s very easy for the dog to digest.

Hard foods are ideal for Pitbulls because they help them gain muscle fast, but they’re also great for endurance athletes who need a little extra energy source in their special diet!

8. Supplementing with A Calorie Deficit And Supplements To Help Gaining Muscle Mass

To gain muscle mass, you must allow your dog to lose weight. Allowing him to lose weight will help him become lean and muscular.

When you give him treats, keep them small so that he doesn’t become complacent and gain weight towards the end of the day.

As concerned pet owners talk to your vet about how much weight he needs to lose, but you can also have him on a calorie deficit through a nutritional supplement and a low-carb diet.

Nutrition is important for Pitbulls, whether they are underweight or not.

Give him supplements that are specifically designed to help with muscle development and building more muscle mass.

9. Be Consistent

Depending on your pup’s age, he may need some extra encouragement during his training, so make sure that you don’t give up on him too soon.

He may get tired and irritated with you if you keep pushing him to do things that he doesn’t feel are worth it.

For example, he’ll probably be annoyed with you if you constantly take him for walks when he’s hot and tired and wants to rest.

Make sure that you don’t push him too hard because this will only frustrate both of you.

When training your dog, make sure that he is getting enough physical activity; otherwise, the muscle gains won’t last long.

You can walk him or take him outside to play fetch with a tennis ball. These activities will help keep his weight at a healthy level and give him a ton of energy!

10. Get him a Water Bottle so he doesn’t get dehydrated

Do not rely on your dog to drink enough water. This is very important in his training because he will most likely try to do everything independently and take all of the water for himself.

If you let him do this, he may develop dehydration problems and possibly even a few other health problems that are very dangerous for him.

Instead, get a nice, big plastic or stainless steel water bottle and fill it half full with ice-cold water before you go out to walk or run.

So that your Pitbull terrier will always have fresh, cold water at his disposal.

Make sure that you give this bottle to your Pitbull once every two hours so that he knows what it is.

As a result, he will drink plenty of water and lose those annoying belly fats!

How Much Should You Feed Your Pit Bull

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that your Pitbull is building muscle mass is to feed him a calorie deficit.

The weight he has gained will be fuelled by his muscle mass growth, so make sure that you don’t feed him too much and follow a feeding schedule accompanied by standard feeding guidelines.

A good rule of thumb for a calorie deficit is 10% of your dog’s body weight in calories.

So, if you have a dog who weighs 50 pounds (which is the average number for most Pitbulls), then you’d want to feed him about 500 calories per day.

If you’re feeding your dog a calorie deficit, then you’ll want to feed him the right amount of protein diet.

This will give him a healthy and lean build and make sure that he doesn’t get too fat! You should aim for about 25% of your dog’s healthy diet to be based on protein.

So, for 50 pounds of weight, for example, you’d feed him 25 pounds of dry food plus another 25 pounds of lean meat (which would be 50 pounds total).

If the calories are not calculated correctly, and you don’t have any idea how much protein content to feed him, then it’s best to let the vet tackle this for you.

When you feed your Pitbull a calorie deficit, you’ll want to make sure that he is getting enough carbs.

You don’t necessarily need to go out and buy special dog food because you can easily make up your own healthy treats.

You can use fruits and vegetables instead of sweet treats like cookies or cakes because these are healthier for both you and your dog! Or you can cook him delicious homemade food.

If you have a difficult time deciding what kind of daily food to feed him, then go to Whole Foods, Zaarly, or Amazon, or the local health food supplement store and pick out some organic treats for him instead of going out and buying specially formulated dog food supplements designed for Pitbulls.

When your Pitbull’s calorie level is calculated correctly, then you’ll want to ensure that you are providing him with the right amount of food with protein content.

You should also be mindful of the carbs because they might contribute to your dog gaining weight.

Your Pitbull’s calorie intake in his daily diet needs to be calculated by a vet or nutritionist if they aren’t trained in this field because it can be hard to calculate for many people.

how to make my pitbull gain weight and muscle

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding How To Make My Pitbull Gain Weight And Muscle

How do I make my Pit Bull shed?

If your Pit Bull is a short-haired breed, then you can choose to groom him each day and make his coat shiny.

As a result, he can shed off much more quickly and easily. If You might want to use a pin comb if it gets too bad and he’s shedding too much.

If your Pit Bull is a long-haired breed, then you are going to have a bit of a more challenging time with this one because you are not going to be able to have that much control over how quickly he will be shedding hair.

But it’s still doable. You have to clean him often with a wet paper towel, make sure that you wash him often, and groom him.

If your Pit Bull has just started to shed, then you need to be very careful about how much hair you are removing from his coat and how frequently you do it because shedding hair can cause skin problems.

Once he has completely stopped shedding hair on his own, then you can start combing or brushing him every other day to remove the excess hair from his body mass.

Once he stops shedding as much on his own, then you’ll be able to comb or brush him more frequently.

How often should I bathe my Pit Bull?

Again, this depends on what his coat type is. If it’s short hair, then you can go as often as you want.

If it’s long hair, then you won’t be able to groom him as often. However, frequent bathing is the best way to keep your Pitbull clean and trim.

Q3. How often should I have my Pit Bull professionally groomed?

Once again, this also depends on what his coat type is and how much hair he naturally sheds.

You will not be able to have the same kind of control over how quickly your dog will shed if it’s very long or very curly.

So, you’ll have to decide which one you are more comfortable with. If he doesn’t shed as much, get him professionally groomed before the shedding gets too bad!

Q4. Is it okay to use an electric groomer on my Pit Bull?

If your Pitbull is completely clipped short and is used to grooming at home, then an electric groomer won’t cause any problem.

But, if you are entirely new to dog grooming and feel a bit uncomfortable about using an electric groomer on your dog. In that case, I would recommend using a different kind.

Q5. Do I need to buy special food for my Pit Bull?

No! There is no need to buy special food for Pit Bull. You can feed them the same way that you are, even if you are on a diet plan.

You can easily make healthy recipes in your kitchen and give them a proper homemade diet instead of high-calorie and fat content.

How do I make a Pitbull shed less?

If your dog is not completely short-haired, you should try to clean him often with a wet paper towel or use a pin comb and remove as much hair as possible. If he is clipped short, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to manage this one.

Should I feed my Pit Bull when I’m not home?

Pit Bulls are just like humans in this regard. They need to be kept mentally stable and frequently exercised so that they can be adequately trained.

They are very high-energy dogs that cannot be left alone 24/7 without suffering from depression and anxiety.

So, the answer to your question is YES! But, be sure that you are able to talk to your dogs and that they can actually hear you.

You might want to consider getting a baby monitor so that you can check up on them when you aren’t home.

Will, my Pit Bull, become aggressive if I make him gain weight?

There is no reason to believe that your Pit Bull will turn aggressive simply because he gained a few pounds of body fat.

All dogs will get extremely excited if something changes in their environment, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will turn aggressive towards people or other pets.

All animals, including humans, love attention and fresh food options of choice.

So, if you pay extra attention to your dog when he’s fat, he will definitely love you even more than before!

What Petting My Dog team thinks about Purina pro plan sport dry Dog food?

There are many different varieties of Purina’s food line and they can all be used to keep your Pitbull healthy.

However, if you want faster results, then Pro Plan Sport is one of the best premium dog food providers you can use. This will help your Pit Bull achieve his desired healthy weight in a much shorter time than usual.

What types of Dog foods are best for Pitbull puppy?

Puppies need a lot of additional vitamins and nutrients to keep them healthy.

Now, different breeds have different needs, but if we are talking about Pitbulls in specific, then they can be given Purina Dog food just like adult dogs.

This High quality food with its improved protein source will surely pay off as it contains quality sources of protein for muscle growth.

 Is grain-free dog food good for pit bulls?

Grain-free dry dog food is better for all dogs, regardless of breed.

However, grain-free dog food isn’t actually very healthy for your dog because it lacks the many vitamins, fat sources and nutrients that are necessary to keep them alive!

So, you should feed your dog with dry dog foods that have at least some amount of corn or rice in them.

 Which dog food is best for Pitbull?

Pit bulls are not picky eaters and they will basically eat anything you give them.

However, when it comes to choosing the best brand of dry dog food for your Pit Bull, there is only one thing pet owners need to keep in mind- Quality!

There are plenty of brands out there that are trying to create cheap dog foods to make a profit from unsuspecting buyers.

Pit Bulls, just like every other dog in the world, need plenty of vitamins and nutrients in their dry food so that they can stay healthy.

There are many food providers but you cannot simply buy any brand you see on the shelf because it will not provide your new family member with the necessary nutrients, leading to many health problems in the long term.

Here are some of our favorite brands that you can use for your new Pit Bull:

Bully Max healthy dog food for PitBulls ( for sensitive stomach and maintaining proper energy level)

Purina Pro high-calorie dog food (for high energy and super healthy Pit Bulls)

Kennel K9 Legend (perfect dry dog food for Pitbulls with picky eating habits or food allergy)

You can buy any of these for your Pit Bull as both high-performance dog food and you won’t find a better quality product than this.

If your pet has difficulties in consuming dry dog food then in that case you can try wet foods or canned dog food as well that’s provided by top quality brands.

What role do Fats and Fatty Acids play in Dog food

They are normally supplied by animal fat content and other protein sources and oils. All dogs, regardless of breed, have a very high-fat metabolism system and they will burn up all of their layer of fat in just a couple of days.

So, if your dog doesn’t eat for a few days, then he might lose some weight even though you are giving him plenty of food toppers. This can be prevented by adding certain fatty acids to the food to make it a proper diet.

You should look for amino acids, Fats, Omega 3 fatty acids, Omega 6, and Glucosamine in them because these will ensure that your dog’s weight gain is under control.

Can my Pit Bull puppy eat raw meat?

Yes, you can feed your Pit Bull with real meat, but only if his teeth are strong enough to eat bones. Most people will recommend feeding puppies with softened food to avoid any issues in the future.

However, this isn’t really necessary because nearly every dog breed has jaws that are capable of eating bones!

Still, it is recommended that you give your dog some soft but nutritionally dense food because he might choke on a bone.

 What is the role of Vitamin E in building muscles?

Vitamin E has some very interesting properties that make it one of the essential vitamins you can give your dog!

It will boost muscle growth, repair tissues in the entire body, and even prevent cancer. So, if your Pit Bull is having issues with his muscles or bone growth, then Vitamin E should be one of the first extra supplement you add to his daily food.

How much carbohydrates does a Pitbull puppy require?

A single Pitbull puppy will burn up all of his carbs in just a couple of days because their metabolism is incredibly high.

So, you can feed your new family member with any type of food and he will have no issues whatsoever.

However, if you want to keep the healthy weight and healthy skin on your dog for years after that, then I would recommend switching to grain-based dog food (or any other type of food that is rich in carbohydrate content that include wheat, sweet potato, rice, oats, etc)

Can I share my fruit with my Pit Bull puppy?

You should never share any type of food with your dog that isn’t made for dogs.

As some Pitbulls and other dogs have sensitive stomachs. The overall number of vitamins and nutrients in human foods is not enough to keep your dog alive and healthy, which means it might be toxic too.

There are plenty of human foods that you can give to your Pit Bull without having to worry about anything- Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and melon are the most commonly used human foods that you can share with your dog.

How often to feed your Pitbull puppy?

The best option is to feed your Pitbull two meals per day, that includes healthy proteins but once if he doesn’t have any issues with gaining weight.

You shouldn’t give him more than five cups of food in one sitting because it will only make his body obese and prone to all sorts of diseases.

At what age can you start feeding your Pitbull puppy with dry food?

When your dog is three months old, you can start feeding him with dry food.

Don’t go for any cheap brands because it might lead to an upset stomach , liver disease and other health problems in the future.

How much do Pit Bulls weigh?

The minimum weight for a male Pit Bull is 30 pounds and 25 pounds for females.

A healthy adult Pit Bull will weigh between 55-80 pounds, depending on their gender.

Overweight dogs can range from 50-90 pounds but should be avoided as much as possible.

A dog under 25 pounds should be looked at by a veterinarian as soon as possible because this means that your dog has a severe health issue.

They might have some sort of condition that makes them unable to grow bigger or gain weight.

The easiest way to check if your Pit Bull is overweight is by looking at its waist and rib cage. There shouldn’t be any bones sticking out, but you should be able to see his ribs clearly.

Any of the other adult dogs will have a clear waistline that it’s clearly visible even if the dog is standing up.

What Causes Dogs To Be Underweight?

There are quite a few reasons why your dog might not be gaining any weight. Here are the most common problems.

Your dog’s breed might make it impossible to gain weight- this is especially common when it comes to tiny breeds.

Food allergies, allergic reactions, and intolerances might be the reason for your dog’s low appetite, inflammatory disease, dull coat, itchy skin , and weight loss. Your dog might have a decreased ability to absorb nutrients due to some sort of digestive issue.

Giving your dog too much treats and not enough food can lead to it not gaining any weight. This is also very common among owners who give their dogs human food because they think that it’s better than the kibble.

How can you calculate the amount of Calorie requirement in Pitbull?

There are several online calculators that can help you determine how much food your Pitbull needs, based on his weight.

The most common and well-known calculator requires inputting the dog’s activity level, age, weight, and breed to calculate exactly what he should eat every day.

Other calculators will only require you to input the breed and age to tell you how much food your dog needs.

If you’re feeding your Pitbull with human food, then try to follow these rules

  • Never give him more than 10% of his daily calorie intake in treats. One treat a day should be enough to keep him happy.
  • Limit his milk intake to once a day if he’s a puppy, and twice a day once he reaches adulthood.
  • Don’t leave your dog alone with food that you don’t want him to eat- if you’re eating something unhealthy or too big for him, then put it away as soon as possible!

 What should things be kept in mind before feeding your pitbull?

See how much he weighs, and then feed him exactly that amount when you’re going to eat your own meal.

If your dog is one of the few who really suffer from obesity, then you’ll have to limit his food intake even more- cut it in half and don’t give him any snacks between meals.

As responsible pet owners, you should always feed them well-bananced content per meal for healthy growth.

These are only some of the things to keep in mind when feeding your Pit Bull proper diet.

As long as you set up a routine and follow these rules, then your dog will grow bigger and stay healthy with no issues whatsoever!

Can Peanut Butter Help My Dog Gain Weight?

Yes, there is a high chance that peanut butter will help your Pitbull gain weight. However, it’s not going to be as effective as regular dog food because their calorie intake is much lower than dogs who eat kibble.

Trying to give your formal breeds too many treats can lead to obesity and other health issues- so try to give him them in moderation and proper balance of Fresh food, high-quality protein and chicken fat.

Can Eggs Make My Dog Gain Weight?

Yes, this is one of the most proven ways to help your dog gain weight.

There are a ton of benefits to giving him eggs- they’re low-calorie and an excellent option for egg protein sources and fats that will help him grow much faster.

However, it’s important to note that you should only feed your American bulldog healthy dog food, meat proteins, Cottage cheese, green beans raw egg whites and not the yolk.

 What are some quality sources of protein for dogs?

Some of the quality sources of protein include.

Peanut Butter: Peanuts contain lots of essential amino acids which are important for muscle growth. They’re also rich in zinc and iron.

Chicken Breast: The best source of High-quality proteins like chicken breast contains all eight essential amino acids needed by humans and animals alike. It has about 20 grams of fat ratio per 100 gram serving but less cholesterol compared to beef.

Beef Liver: Beef liver is an excellent source of vitamin A and B12. These vitamins play the biggest role in maintaining good vision, skin, strong bones, teeth, and hair.


Congratulations! You now know everything that you need to know about how to train a Pitbull properly.

If you follow these steps, then your Pitbull will not only become the dog that you always wanted him to be, but he’ll also be very healthy, and he’ll look fantastic.

Now that you know everything that you need to do to train your Pitbull, then go out and start training him right away!

I have outlined the most effective ways to make your Pitbull gain weight and muscle for him to look his best and reach his ideal weight.

I hope that this guide has helped you understand how to make your Pitbull gain muscle mass and weight so that you will be able to help him reach his ideal weight in no time!

If you have any questions or comments, then leave them below so I can help answer them.

I hope this article was able to assist in informing you on how to be a good Pit Bull owner because they are beautiful dogs who deserve all the love and care they can get.

Thanks for reading. I wish you the best of luck with training your Pitbull