Can Dogs Have Freckles? What You Need To Know

Freckles are a common feature on human skin, but can dogs have freckles too?

This is a question that many dog owners may ask, and the answer is Yes dogs can have freckles.

However, the cause of freckles on dogs is a bit different than on humans. In this blog post, we’ll explore what causes freckles on dogs and how to care for them if your pet happens to develop them.

Can Dogs Have Freckles? How Do They Look Like!

Dogs can get freckles just like humans, but the freckles on dogs tend to be more brown or black in color.

The freckles seen on dogs are generally larger than those seen on people and can appear across their noses and lips.

However, it is possible for even smaller dog breeds such as Chihuahuas to have freckles on their coats too.

What Causes Freckles In Dogs?

Freckles are caused by an excessive amount of melanin being produced in the skin cells.

This causes small spots to appear over the body. Melanin is a natural pigment found in animals that helps protect them from harmful sun rays and other environmental conditions.

Humans and dogs both produce melanin, and in most cases, melanin is produced in a healthy way that does not result in freckles or sunspots.

However, in some instances, the melanin can build up in excess amounts which result in freckling on the skin.

Although there are other causes for freckles on dogs, the most common cause of freckles in pets is an abnormal build-up of melanin.

Another common cause for dogs developing freckles is UV exposure.

When dogs go out into intense sunlight for long periods of time without any protective covering on their skin they can develop sunspots.

These are also caused by the overproduction of melanin and they form on the areas of the body where there is more exposure to direct sunlight.

Can Dogs Have Freckles

How Can I Treat Freckles On My Dog?

If your dog happens to develop freckles, you may wonder how to treat freckles on dogs.

People often use skin bleaching creams such as those containing hydroquinone to reduce the appearance of freckles on people’s skin.

However, these creams are not safe for use on dogs and can cause serious health problems if applied without first consulting your veterinarian.

Instead of using over-the-counter bleaching creams, try out one of the veterinary products designed specifically for dogs that contain ingredients such as:

1. Vitamin C

This antioxidant helps to reduce the appearance of freckles and sunspots on dogs.

2. Calendula

This is an herb that can be used as a skin protectant for pets with sensitive skin. It also helps to reduce the amount of melanin overproduced in the skin.

3. Green Tea Extract

 This ingredient is known to have very strong antioxidant properties, which help to fight the free radicals that are also responsible for excessive melanin formation in the skin.

4. Licorice

This plant extract helps to moisturize dry skin that results from a lack of protection from the sun or other environmental factors.

These are just a few examples of ingredients commonly found in dog freckle creams, but there are many more natural remedies available for dealing with this type of problem.

If you don’t want to use a veterinary product, there are many over the counter products available that can help treat freckles including:

1. Sun Screen

Applying sunscreen to your dog’s skin before going out in the sun will help reduce excessive exposure. This is especially important for dogs with white or light colored coats.

2. Vitamin E Supplements

Dogs can easily get vitamin E through food, but you may want to consult with your veterinarian before increasing their intake since too much of this vitamin can be harmful.

3. Aloe Vera Gels or Creams

The juice from aloe vera plants is often used for its moisturizing properties and a number of pet creams and gels are made from aloe vera.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is an age-old remedy for all sorts of ailments, including freckles on dogs.

All you need to do is rub some organic apple cider vinegar onto the affected area two to three times daily.

5. Lemon Juice

Like ACV, lemon juice is another home remedy that can reduce the appearance of freckles on dogs.

All you need to do is rub some fresh lemon juice onto the affected areas two times daily for best results.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Freckles On dogs?

If you have a dog that develops freckles, it’s important to keep an eye on him or her for any changes in the size or number of freckles.

As long as the freckles don’t grow bigger and there are no others developing elsewhere on your dog’s body, then there is generally nothing to worry about.

However, if you notice any changes in the freckles or if your dog develops freckles all over his or her body, then it’s important to contact a veterinarian since this could be a sign of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is very common in dogs and can spread rapidly throughout the skin if not caught early enough.

So remember never attempt to treat this problem on your own.

Visit your vet to see if they can recommend any products or natural remedies that might help reduce the appearance of freckles on your dog’s coat.

Do All Breeds Of Dogs Get Freckles?

Freckles can develop on any breed, but they are seen most commonly in

  •       Beagles
  •       Bulldogs
  •       German Shepherds
  •       Poodles

Although these are the most common breeds to get freckles, freckles can happen in any breed of dog.

However, it appears that individuals with white coats or light-colored coats are at greater risk of developing freckles.

This is because these individuals tend to get exposed to more sunlight than individuals with dark coats, who tend to stay in the shade when the sun is brightest.

Can Dogs Have Freckles On Belly?

Yes, dogs can have freckles on their stomachs, legs, underneath their tails, and the bottom of their feet.

Dogs can have freckles on their noses, but it’s not as common as spotting them on the rest of the body.

It depends on the breed of the dog, the environment, and your dog’s genetics.

Some breeds such as Beagles and Dachshunds are more prone to having freckles, but it really depends on the dog and how much sun exposure he or she has had.

In addition to spots or patches of darker pigmentation that resemble human freckles, dogs with lighter coats may experience a condition known as vitiligo.

In this condition, white patches develop on your dog’s skin. Vitiligo can occur on any part of the body, but most commonly affects the eye rims and noses of lighter-coated dogs.

Tips For Prevention Of Freckles On Dogs

  • Keep your dog out of the sun whenever possible.
  • Use sunscreen on your dog’s nose and other sensitive areas if he or she is going to be outside for any length of time.
  • Give your dog a vitamin-rich diet.
  • Include flaxseed oil in his or her diet.
  • Feed your dog antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin E, beta carotene, and grape seed extract.
  • Feed your dog a healthy diet rich in vitamins A, C, E, and zinc can help stave off skin problems such as freckles.
  • Use good sunscreen on your dog’s nose and other sensitive areas before he or she spends time outdoors on sunny days.

In most cases, freckles are merely cosmetic, but they can also be an indication of a potentially serious health issue.

In rare cases, freckles can indicate a type of melanoma or skin cancer. 

If your dog begins to develop freckles all over his or her body, then you should take him to the vet for an examination and a skin scraping test.

To prevent melanoma and other types of skin cancer from developing, be sure to keep your dog out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

In addition to freckles, other common dog skin conditions include:


Blackheads are small black spots on the surface of your dog’s skin. If you ever notice a few dot-like black spots on your pup’s coat, then he or she could have blackheads.

In most cases, blackheads are simply cosmetic and do not need to be treated.

Blackheads are usually caused by oil, dirt and bacteria.

If your pup’s blackheads are accompanied by irritated, dry skin, then you should take him or her to the vet for an examination.

There are topical ointments that can clear up blackheads if they are being caused by bacterial infections.


Cysts are sacs filled with fluid. They can consist of just about anything, from hair and pus to oil and dirt.

Cysts are usually found on the surface of a dog’s skin. In most cases, cysts go away on their own if they are left alone.

However, you should take your pup to the vet for an exam if you notice one that is particularly inflamed or has gotten larger.


Warts are small, cauliflower-shaped growths on the surface of your dog’s skin.

They are caused by a virus and can spread to other areas of your pup’s body very quickly.

If you notice one or more warts, then you should take him or her to the vet for an examination.

Most warts can be effectively treated with topical ointments or surgical procedures, but they will return if the underlying virus is not eliminated.


Milia are small white bumps located on your pup’s eyelids and around his eyes.

They are mostly cosmetic and do not need to be treated unless they are accompanied by symptoms, such as redness.

Can you Shave off freckles on dogs?

Yes, but shaving will probably just cause the freckles to return. You can shave off blackheads and warts if they are causing problems or discomfort.

However, shaving is not recommended for cysts because it could make them larger and more painful.

In most cases, it is best to leave these types of growths alone as they usually go away on their own.

Can A Dog Get Freckles At Any Age?

Most dogs that have freckles are puppies, but there are some adult dogs who can get freckles too.

It is a very rare condition that happens to only a few dogs. Normally it’s puppies who have been exposed to too much sunlight, but there are a few cases where it has been seen on the noses of older dogs.

How To Remove Freckles From Paws Of My Dog?

Freckles can be removed from a dog’s paws through various methods. You can take your pup to the vet and have him professionally clipped to remove the freckles.

You can shave them off, but it is likely they will return. There are also topical ointments available that can help remove freckles from a dog’s paws.

The ointment does not work for all dogs, but if it works for your pup, then you should start to see results in about one month.

Can You Surgically Remove Or Treat Freckles On Dogs?

Depending on their cause and location, freckles can sometimes be surgically removed or treated.

A dog’s skin is thick and not very sensitive, but it will still be painful and invasive to remove freckles from the skin.

Usually, a vet will only recommend surgical procedures if freckles are accompanied by other health issues such as infections.

In some cases, your vet may be able to freeze the freckles off using liquid nitrogen.

This will not be a pleasant experience for your pup, but it should only take about 15 minutes and he or she should heal within a week.

You can also use topical ointments or shampoos to treat freckles on your pup’s paws.

How Does The Dog’s Breed Affect Their Appearance Of Having Freckles?

Different dog breeds have different predispositions to freckles. For example, Dalmatians typically have round black spots on their skin that are most visible when they are young pups.

However, this is just cosmetic and does not affect the pup’s health in any way.

Beagles and Collies are also common breeds that develop freckles on their skin as pups. In addition, dogs of any age and breed can develop freckles as a result of sun damage.

Can Freckles On Dogs Cause Cancer?

Yes, freckles are sometimes a sign of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer in dogs.

Be sure to take your dog to the vet for an examination if he or she develops freckles.

Will My Dog Look Unattractive If He Has Freckles?

Freckles are quite common in dogs. It is coloring on the skin that is similar to human freckles or liver spots, and it is not associated with any health problems in most cases.

It however can simply look unattractive if your dog has too many freckles, but it’s nothing to be worried about.

What Dog Breeds Have Freckles On Their Nose?

Many dog breeds have freckles on their nose, and it is a common marking in dogs in general.

There are however some dog breeds that have freckles on their nose more often than others.

This is because some dogs have lighter noses, and the freckles can be more visible on these dogs.

Some breeds that have freckles on their nose more often than others are Border Collie, and Australian Shepherd.

What Are The 4 Types Of Moles In Dogs?

There are 4 types of moles that can affect your dog, these are Spitz, Congenital, Nevi, and Solid.

Spitz Moles

Spitz moles are usually small in size found most often on the head and neck and can resemble a wart.

They tend to go away by themselves becoming flatter and less noticeable over time, but if they don’t disappear you can have them removed by a vet.

Congenital Moles

Congenital moles are also common, and they occur in approximately 10% of dogs.

They are often raised, dark colored with the surface being rough to touch, they can be itchy or irritate your dog so you need to take care of that asap!

Sometimes these moles may be removed by a vet for cosmetic or health reasons.

Nevi Moles

Nevi are common in Golden Retrievers, Beagles and Bull Terriers.

The color of these moles can vary from pinkish brown to dark brown. They usually start showing up when the dog is 4 months old, but they can develop at any age.

You need to take care of these moles asap because they can become cancerous very quickly.

Solid Moles

Solid moles are also common, and they appear usually on the trunk of the dog.

They are dark brown or black in color and can be smooth (benign) or rough (malignant). Solid moles usually don’t need any treatment, but you should keep an eye on them.

If the mole is growing, itches or bleeds you should definitely take your dog to a vet for advise.

why Do Dogs Get Moles When They Get Old?

When a dog gets old, they will start to have moles form on their skin. These moles are not cancerous and usually harmless.

The reason behind that is that as dogs get older and skin ages, the skin starts to form moles.

These moles usually won’t cause any trouble and they will most likely go away with time.


Moles are quite common in dogs, and they can happen at any age. You need to take care of them ASAP or you might end up with a cancerous mole.

It is extremely important to be aware of all the types of moles and to take care of them as soon as you notice them.

I hope this article was helpful and you now know what can cause moles in dogs, and how to take care of them.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below.