Are Blue Heelers Easy To Train? The Answer Might Shock You | 2023

Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or just looking to get a new pup, you may be considering are blue heelers easy to train? Well, these herding dogs are known for their intelligence and obedience, making them relatively easy to train. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about training your blue heeler, from the basics like housetraining and obedience commands and how you can take advantage of their natural abilities to create a well-behaved pup.

So if you’re thinking about adding a blue heeler to your family, read on! You may be pleasantly surprised at just how easy they are to train.

Are Blue Heelers Easy To Train?

The answer to this question is a resounding “yes” Blue heelers are one of the easiest dog breeds to train. This is primarily due to their intelligence, natural obedience, and eagerness to please their owners.

With consistent training and positive reinforcement, most blue heelers will quickly learn the basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down.

Housetraining can be a little bit more challenging with this breed, but it’s definitely not impossible.

Start by taking your pup outside frequently – every hour or so – and rewarding them for going to the bathroom in the correct spot. Be patient and consistent, and eventually, your blue heeler will get the hang of it.

One thing to keep in mind is that blue heelers are bred to work, so they can be a little bit stubborn at times.

Don’t give up if your dog isn’t following commands or seems resistant to training! Try adjusting your methods until you find what works best for both you and your pup. With some patience and perseverance, you’ll have a well-trained blue heeler in no time.

are blue heelers easy to train

Tips For Training A Blue Heeler

If you’re looking for an easy-to-train dog, a blue heeler may be the perfect breed for you. These herding dogs are known for their intelligence and obedience, making them an excellent choice for inexperienced dog owners. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

First of all, you should socialize them with as many different people, animals and situations as possible when they are young. This will help them to be well-adjusted adults.

  1. Start with the basics: sit, stay, come, and down. These commands will be the foundation for everything else you teach your dog.
  2. Use positive reinforcement whenever possible. Dogs respond better to rewards (treats, toys, petting) than punishment (yelling, scolding).
  3. Keep them busy. Blue heelers are bred to work, so they can get bored quickly. If your dog seems resistant to training, try keeping them occupied with a toy or a game of fetch or a soft chew toy.
  4. Be consistent with your commands and rewards. If you say “sit” one day and “down” the next, your dog will become confused and may not respond to either command. Reward them with a treat or lots of praise when they do as asked.
  5. Be patient! It may take time for your blue heeler to learn a new command. Keep practicing and rewarding them for their successes.

Blue heelers are easy to train when you use positive reinforcement and are patient with them. With a bit of time and effort, you can have a well-trained blue heeler by your side.

Are Blue Heelers easy to potty train?

This is a question that many people have when they are considering getting a Blue Heeler. The answer, unfortunately, is not as straightforward as one might hope.

Like any dog, the Blue Heeler can be easy or challenging to potty train depending on the individual dog and how much work the owner is willing to put in. However, some basic tips can help make the process a little easier.

1.First, it is essential to understand that Blue Heelers are bred as working dogs and have a lot of energy. This means that they need plenty of exercise in order to help them avoid having accidents in the house. A good walk or run each day will go a long way towards helping your dog learn where to go potty.

2.Second, it is important to start potty training as early as possible. Puppies can be trained much more quickly than older dogs, so getting started as soon as you bring your new furry friend home is best.

3.Third, be consistent with your commands. If you say “go potty” one time and “do your business” the next, your dog is going to get confused. Pick one phrase and stick with it.

4.Fourth, reward your dog when they go potty in the right place. This doesn’t mean giving them a treat every time, but petting them and telling them what a good dog they are will help reinforce the behavior you want to see.

5.And finally, be patient. It may take a little time for your dog to get the hang of things, but with patience and perseverance, you will be able to train them to go potty in the right place.

How Can You House Train A Blue Heeler?

Blue heelers are considered to be one of the easiest breeds to train when it comes to housetraining. However, as with any dog, the sooner you start training your blue heeler, the better. One of the key things to remember is that consistency is key; make sure both you and your family are on the same page when housetraining your dog.

Some basic tips for housetraining a blue heeler include:

  • Establish a routine and stick to it as closely as possible. Dogs like structure and knowing what is expected of them.
  • Take your dog outside regularly, every hour if possible. When they eliminate outdoors, praise them enthusiastically, so they know that this is what you want them to do.
  • Always take your dog out immediately after they’ve eaten or drank, as this is often when they will need to go potty.
  • If you catch your blue heeler in the act of going to the bathroom indoors, say “NO” in a loud, firm voice and immediately take them outside.
  • If your blue heeler has an accident in the house, don’t punish them. This will only confuse and frustrate them and is unlikely to help with the housetraining process. Instead, clean up the mess and start again with your routine.
  • Reward your dog with treats and praise when they relieve themselves outdoors.

Be patient in training a dog, especially a blue heeler, takes time and patience. With consistent effort, you should be able to successfully housetrain your dog in a relatively short period of time.

What should you do if your blue heeler is disobedient?

If your blue heeler is disobedient, you should first try to determine the reason for the behavior. Once you know why your dog is acting up, you can start working on a solution.

If your blue heeler is displaying disobedience due to lack of training, then it will be easy to train them using positive reinforcement methods.

Dogs love food and praise, so rewarding your dog for good behavior will help them learn what is expected of them.

If Positive reinforcement doesn’t work, you can try using aversive conditioning, which involves applying negative stimuli when your dog exhibits undesired behavior.

Some common aversive methods used to train dogs include verbal commands such as “no,” loud noises such as clapping or snapping your fingers, and physical punishment such as spanking or grabbing the dog’s collar.

However, using aversive conditioning can be dangerous and should only be used as a last resort if not done correctly.

If your blue heeler is displaying disobedience due to anxiety or fear, then you will need to work with a professional dog trainer who can help you address the underlying issue. Training your dog, in this case, may take more time and patience, but it is well worth it in the end.

No matter what is the reason for your blue heeler’s disobedience, always be consistent with your commands and rewards. Dogs are intelligent creatures, and they will soon learn what is expected of them if you are patient and consistent.

However, if your blue heeler is disobedient due to temperament issues or lack of confidence, then the training process will be more difficult.

You will need to be patient and consistent with your commands in these cases. It may also help to consult a professional dog trainer for assistance.


Is a blue heeler a good house dog?

Blue heelers are one of the most popular breeds in Australia, and for a good reason – they’re loyal, intelligent, and easy to train.

They were initially bred as herding dogs and are still used today for working on farms, but they also make excellent house pets.

If you’re thinking about getting a blue heeler, be prepared for a lot of energy. These dogs need plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

They’re also very protective of their family and home, so be sure you’re prepared to put in the time needed to socialize your dog and make him part of the family.

Overall, blue heelers are an excellent breed choice for people looking for an energetic, easy-to-train dog that will be a loyal member of the family.

Are cattle dogs aggressive?

Cattle dogs are known for their intelligence and protectiveness, which can sometimes lead to them being perceived as aggressive. However, with proper training and socialization, cattle dogs can be gentle, loving pets.

It’s important to note that these dogs were bred to work on farms and may not do well in an apartment setting.

They need plenty of space to run and play. If you’re considering a cattle dog as a pet, be sure to do your research and make sure the breed is a good fit for your lifestyle.

Are Blue Heelers good guard dogs?

Blue heelers are excellent guard dogs. They’re loyal and protective of their family and home and will bark loudly to warn off any intruders. They’re also intelligent and easy to train, so they can be taught to respond appropriately to various situations.

If you’re looking for a good guard dog, a blue heeler is an excellent choice. Just be sure to socialize your dog early and provide plenty of exercise. You’ll have a loyal and protective member of the family.

Are Blue Heelers smart?

Yes, they are considered to be one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs. In fact, they are the 10th smartest breed. This means that they are very trainable and can learn tricks quickly.

However, like all dogs, they will need to be appropriately socialized and have obedience training from an early age. As with any breed, you will also need to make sure that you are providing your Blue Heeler with enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Do Blue Heelers bark a lot?

Blue Heelers are known for their loud, confident barks. They will alert you to any potential danger or intruder and make sure that everyone in the house knows about it. If you’re not a fan of incessant barking, this may not be the breed for you. However, with a little patience and consistent training, you can teach your Blue Heeler to bark on cue and only when necessary.


Overall, Blue Heelers are a great breed for people looking for an intelligent and trainable dog. They can be a little loud, but that can be managed with proper training. They are a great watchdog and make excellent family pets.

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below.